A client walked into our workshop a few days ago, and mentioned is laptop had viruses, we took it in as normal. - Newport
While we had it on the bench we started with booting it up and scanning for viruses, this usually takes a few hours, engineers would pop in at random intervals during the day to check on its progress.
Four hours passed and one of the team engineers cried out "OMG look at this".
Take a closer look at the keys and the white specs "oh they are all moving"..
A: While a bug infestation is unusual, laptop keyboards can get crudded up (that's a technical term) with food bits, liquids, and other detritus. And unlike a desktop keyboard, a laptop keyboard is tough to throw away. Honestly, the best thing to do is to give it a super hoover.
Take the keyboard off, hoover all vents, hoover the keyboard too.. Place the keyboard into a bag and place a moth ball also, seal the bag leave for 24 hours..
Brush all under the keys using a small paint brush, hoover again to get everything reassemble.
All should be well again.. I know our client was..